( Oh, heck, here he goes again with his off-the wall opinions ) Kirk Harnak typed: > Perhaps even more important than considering whether one > can hear 50 kHz to 100 kHz material is asking "what does > removing such material do to the fundamental portions that > we do hear from 20 Hz to 20 kHz." A very cogent comment, Mr. Harnak. Maybe a similar situation in the RF domain is worth considering here. . . -----------RF speak begins------------ We all know that FM sidebands go out "to infinity". We also know that they are lower in amplitude the further (in frequency) you look above and below the fundamental of the modulated carrier, and that they are not useful once they drop into the noise, so at normal modulation indices we don't have to worry about high order sidebands. Further, we know that band- passing the modulated RF does, in fact, increase distortion of the demodulated audio. . . I don't know what the exact numbers are, but I think I read somewhere that removal of anything closer in than the 3rd order FM sidebands increases distortion of the recovered audio to the point where it is audible to the untrained human ear. On the other hand, we all know that _not_ bandpassing the RF creates a complete inability to demodulate an FM carrier in the real world. That's why we have receivers that 'tune' to a certain, small chunk of the RF spectrum, and filter out the other stuff. . . a bandpass filter. The wider this filter, the more prone the system is to noise and interference contained in the demodulated audio, the narrower this filter, the more distortion of the desired signal we endure. So, there's a 'sweet spot' with respect to filtering out-of-band stuff, and if you get more aggressive than that, "bad things happen." Now, I'm not trying to say that audio acts exactly the same way, but I think there are similar 'kinds of things' going on in the two domains. ------------RF speak ends-------------- Similar things happen when we bandpass complex audio waveforms. We remove out-of-band noises which do not contribute to the listening experience, but at the same time we change the in-band energy in ways that are not always subtle. An example: removal of harmonics at frequencies that our ears cannot resolve in a test using sine waves, but _may_ be able to sense as harmonics of inband information because they are 'synchronous' with that in-band information, giving the ear clues to assist in detection. I believe that you can sense a change in the 'edginess' of the sound of an instrument using frequencies that are much higher than you can sense as single tones. I also feel that sine wave testing up near 20 kHz in earth's atmosphere is a real iffy idea at best, because short wavelength reflections have a chance to create comb-filter effects that greatly affect steady state tones, but don't affect complex audio waveforms in the same way. There may even be propagation linearity issues caused by the way the gases in our atmosphere act when subjected to changes in pressure that are that rapid. That's beyond my area of expertise. My approach has always been to bandpass the audio as early in a system as possible, to minimize exercising non-linearities in subsequent system components with the out-of-band information. Supersonic junk and subsonic junk are just that. . . junk. We don't need to deal with record warp and turntable rumble anymore, but there's still subsonic information from many other sources, especially with live microphones. The question is "WHERE?" In a non-broadcast environment, I like simple 1-pole filters at 25 Hz and 30 kHz. Easy to accomplish, and in-band phase shift is minimal. Narrower for broadcast purposes, and _much narrower_ in microphone circuits for speech, to reduce sibilance effects and possible heterodyning with supersonic oscillations in unstable opamps in downstream equipment and subsonic excitation of possible downstream capacitor non-linearities. After I die, folks who disagree will have to pull a lot of polypropylene capacitors out of my systems (c; . Grady Moates, April 2003 Owner, LOUD & Clean Broadcast Science Voice 800 946-7007 Facsimile 800 529-5648 web email grady.moates@loudandclean.com